Monday, January 23, 2012

Um, hello

Hello!  Would you like to play a game?  Bwahahahahha.  Just kidding.  Welcome to my blog and my first post.  I figure this will be a place where I can rant about people leaking stoopid all over the place, maybe keep track of the crazy dreams I have, and generally keep me from studying.  Today we're going to start on a political note because this bothers me.  

People who blame President Obama for the recession make me mad.  I'm not a huge Obama supporter by any means.  But it's not like he waved a magic wand and said "recessionus appearus!"  This recession has been years in the making.  Like, it started back in the Clinton era.  And I like Bill Clinton!  I think he's a pretty cool dude.  Anyway, it frustrates me that some people are all "Oh, he's not doing anything to help us, blah blah blah."  Um, in four short years, how he is supposed to undo what it took the banks 20 years to do?  The kicker is that if anybody else had won the presidency, that person would be crucified as well.  The President cannot win, from people who voted for him or from people who didn't.  The next President will probably be just as hated.  People need to remember that the President can only do so much.  He can have a brilliant idea to stop the recession but before it can take place, he has to get Congress to agree with it.  Not easy.  And it could be the simplest, easiest fix in the world but there are going to be idiots who will try to stop whatever this plan is from happening because they just don't like the President.  Politics has become a place where people are going to fight each other because they don't like the other person or the party the person belongs to and has moved far away from what's best for the people.

Anyway, that's my first rant.  It's been something that's been bothering me for awhile.  Probably because I'm not a very political person and don't really have a set party politically.  Stay tuned, I may take on JoePa later today if I decide I don't want to study some more!

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