Friday, January 27, 2012

Might (mite?) Hockey

Today's post is later than normal because I had nothing to say today.  I thought blogging every day would be easy but four days in and I got nothin.  Until my dad came to the rescue.  Here's what he just said to me that got me writing "You know, if they want a reality show that would be a hoot, they should do might hockey."

Might hockey or Mite hockey?  I dunno which it is.  But, I do know what it is.  It's little kids learning how to skate.  How funny would that be?  A bunch of little kids falling down a lot trying to learn how to ice skate.  Good times would be had by all!

And that's all I got about that, so tv execs, get on that.  Other than that, today has been non-entertaining.  I don't feel all that great.  I took a two hour nap when I normally only doze for about 45 minutes.  Scratchy throat, chest congestion, blech. 

At around 10 this morning Dad and I took all three dogs to a baseball field that's mostly fenced in so that they could actually run.  They had a lot of fun.  Big Dumb Stupid Puppy Head is rolling around on the floor being big and dumb.  Awesome Dog is conked out.  Annoying Beagle is laying next to Dad in their chair. 

FACT:  You should watch this.  And all of the other episodes as well but Number 4 and 5 are my favorite.  FACT.

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